Started slow.
AutoCad class starts at 3PM.
Three classes from 9AM to 5ishPM.
Ended the day with friends having meatball, nachos, wine, taboo and a movie.
Finished a French assignment and studied 2 hours before class.
French quiz at 11AM.
Visited the site for the restaurant from 2PM to 3/4ishPM?
Made new friends? and got hammered the night till Thursday morning.
Zombied through an 8AM Building Code class and the rest of the day.
French class at 8AM to 9ishAM.
Went to a Chinese buffet with S.
Went over to SnB's place with S for more taboo, wine, and movie.
Photo-shoot in the afternoon for S.
Group project in the evening.
Woke up to a horrible sore throat, aches, and migraine.
Did laundry.
Continued working on the group project.
There's the short summary. Highlight of the week was probably Wednesday night. One of the silliest decisions ever, getting drunk on a school night. Which gave birth to yet another stupid idea when drunk, trying to puke into a shot cup at the school bar. It was a long, long night. Made an embarrassing but funny story though. LOL.
Anyways, the train to dreamland is here. Au revoir!
- BT -