- Typing at 1.08AM -
Light drops of rain beyond my window.
Felling a little chilly in my airconditioned room.
Cuddled up in a blanket & pillow,
with my dear teddy & puppy,
on the lower deck of my new double-story bed,
while little brother, Jeffrey, is sleeping peacefully above.
Waiting for drama to load.
Only hearing the soft drips from outside,
& my laptop's cooler humming loudly beside the silence.
Thinking about what to type.
A tiny, temperary reminder left on the flesh of my left arm,
from my first blood donation held in church today.
Got a little closer to my classmates today too,
as we spent a few hours planning our group skit for OB,
(Business Management)
& having a little fun in Summit,
with drinks, small chats, & shotting zombies in the arcade.
Finished watching "Shopaholic" movie.
Started watching "Desparate Housewives" since Friday,
borrowed them from the Sun-U library.
Mind isn't working very well.
Feeling slightly sleepy and tired,
probably from less blood in my system and late nights.
I wonder if my short break would be as usual.
I guess i have to go now.
Rest awaits.
Dear Renee, Jazzy, Mayne, Son, Celine, Steph, Miera, Guano, Micalo,
I no i haven't been visiting as often like i promised.
Me getting caught up or busy isn't helping much either.
*Hate using this stupid excuse*
I came last friday but missed most of you.
I felt upset at the time passing so fast without seeing you guys.
Please no that i'm finding ways,
and continue to let me no what's up over there.
All i can do now is to say,
"I'm sorry and please no i'll be missing you all just a building away"
.: Sealed with HUGX :.
- Signed Out at 2.27AM -
"so NEAR yet so FAR"